Friday, July 18, 2008

Linda and Vi

Linda and Vi are an incredible couple, Linda is an operations guru and Vi is a heavy civil engineer.  When Linda is waiting for Vi, she pops out her gameboy for fun, my kind of gal!  I had a great session with them last week in prime spots all over San Francisco. Typically I tell couples that not only am a photographer but also personal trainer during shoots, since I march, pose, rest and repeat all over our shooting locations.  This weekend was no different except I found myself on the other side of the table.  I was completely breathless hiking up a sandy hill.  It didn't look very steep going down but it sure felt like Mt. Everest coming up, not only from my own lack of fitness but also thanks to carrying around 2olbs of equipment... We had a great time and again a load of laughs.  Thanks guys for the workout and the ice cream:) Here are some faves:

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