Sunday, June 29, 2008

Engaged on the Embarcadero - Gina and Chad

With the weird L.A.-like air creating some interesting orangy overcast, I had a ton of fun with Gina and Chad exploring the embarcadero and downtown SF (to places I hadn't yet been even after 8 years in the bay). Both are originally from the east coast and moved to the best coast just 3 years ago ; )  They have great chemistry and it shows!  Looking forward to their wedding in August...  Here are my favorites:


Anonymous said...

I'm Chad's sister and I just had to say that I absolutely *love* the photos you took of him and Gina!! Amazing work! :) Also, is there any way that I would be able to order some of those prints?
Thank you so much,
Torrey :)

Gloria said...

Hey Torrey!

Sorry for just running across your comment, thank you so much for visiting and your kind words! You should be able to order any of the prints by selecting favorites in the lower right pane of the photo and select the shopping cart icon on the bottom of the page. Let me know if this works!

Looking forward to meeting you in August!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!
It was a pleasure meeting you this past weekend. The day (and everything about it) turned out to be beautiful!
~Torrey :)